Catchment Management
Staff at WEW have prepared award winning plans of management and management plans for wetlands within the Sydney Region. We have examined catchments and identified impacts of development and opportunities to mitigate impacts including the management of stormwater and flooding. WEW team members have specialist skills in water sensitive urban design and in the design, implementation, monitoring and review of stormwater and flood mitigation projects.
Plans of Management.
Management Plans.
Construction and Establishment Guidelines for Constructed Wetlands.
Wetland Management, Maintenance and Monitoring Plans.
Coastal Management
Managing coastal natural resources requires a balance of competing uses and interests in an urban environment. Considerations include commercial, recreational, historical and environmental use of areas. People’s love of a water view is often at odds with the maintenance of environment values. WEW can assist with integrated planning for private and commercial development and produce detailed management plans for the long term protection of coastal areas.
Coastal Natural Area Management Plans.
Ecological Restoration Plan.
Ecological Restoration Monitoring Plan.
Coastal Bushland Management Plans.