Ecological & Environmental Assessment
Our expert field ecologists prepare ecological assessments, flora and fauna surveys and pre clearance surveys for a variety of projects ranging from domestic development applications to broad scale infrastructure studies and projects. Our team has experience in the assessment of threatened species at the state and national level and in the delivery of relevant practical advice to avoid, mitigate and offset impacts on threatened species and endangered ecological communities.
WEW prepares Statements of Environmental Effects (SEE) and Reviews of Environmental Factors (REF) to assess the potential impact of proposed developments under NSW Planning Legislation. WEW has experience ranging from domestic dwelling SEEs through to local Government infrastructure SEEs and REFs.
Statement of Environmental Effects.
Review of Environmental Factors. Threatened Species Assessments. |
Biodiversity Assessments.
Controlled Activity Office of Water Approvals. |
Flora and Fauna Surveys.
Threatened Species Assessments.
BioBanking Assessments.
Species Impact Statements.
Pre Clearance Surveys.
Ecological Monitoring.
Project Ecologist services.